What is homelessness?

—-Homelessness is when people sleep rough on the streets.
-—Anyone can become homeless. There are many causes of homelessness such as financial issues.
-—80,000 young people experience homelessness every year and that figure is rising.

What are the causes of homelessness?

-—Family problems
-—Mental health problems
-Drug addiction
-Being neglected by friends and family members
-—Financial problems

Facts and statistics about homelessness:

-"Last year, 112,070 people in England approached their council as homeless, a 26% increase over the 4 years."
-"6,437 people slept rough at some point in London during 2012-2013, an increase of 75% over the last 3 years."
-"Up to 70% of homeless people experience mental health problems and the average age of death for a homeless person is 47 compared to 70 of a normal citizen."
-"28% have formed an unwanted sexual partnership and 20% engaged in sex work to get a roof over their heads."
-—"42% of homeless children are under the age of 6."


—Stereotype: “a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing”
—Stereotypes stereotype about homeless people and this is what causes people to get a negative image of homeless people.
—We are trying to minimize the number of stereotypes by raising awareness verbally and through the media.

Please visit the following websites for more information:



Young Labour-

Please click on the link below to open a power point presentation we have made. This presentation will give you an idea of what our campaign is about and what we will/ have done to support this advocacy.

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