"Your change can make a change"

Who are we?

  We are a campaigning group trying to raise awareness of homelessness. Our slogan is; “Your change can make a change”. As a group we have decided to use this slogan as it displays the idea that everyone in our society is responsible and can make a change by helping and supporting organisations like ‘Young Labour’ and ‘Shelter.’

Our aims:

—1. We will create a twitter page and aim to get 50 followers. We will tweet facts and statistics regarding homelessness every day to raise awareness of our campaign.

—2. We will make an interactive website to allow the public to view our page and fill out a survey.

—3. We will create a petition to get 80 signatures to show Boris Johnson. —

4. We will write a letter to Boris Johnson and the MPs so that we can share our thoughts and opinions towards our campaign.

—Our overall aim is to raise awareness of homelessness. —

—Charities such as:

Young Labour, Crisis and Shelter. —

These organisations are all trying to help homeless people in our local area.They also help reduce homelessness nationally. —

We have taken facts from these organisation's to help you get an idea how serious this issue is.